Municipal Market

The Municipal Market was one of the most stunning architectural complexes in the city and one of the largest commercial hubs in the country. It was inaugurated in December 1907 and began operating in 1908, in the area known today as Praça XV square. It was created during the administration of Mayor Pereira Passos to consolidate the sale of food in one place. Until then this had been spread out across a number of streets in the city centre. It also officially replaced the old Candelária Market.

Photo: Américo Vermelho – Municipal Market

Its prefabricated metal structure was imported from Europe, along with the towers and the clock. It had approximately 200 stalls which sold mainly foodstuffs, beverages and groceries. It was a bustling space. Its demolition remains a highly controversial episode to this day. The market was razed to make way for the Perimetral Viaduct in 1963. The only remnant of it is the structure of the former Albamar restaurant, now called Ancoramar.

Esplanade of the Castle and the Municipal Market seen from above – National Library Collection.


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